Oct 14, 2009

Weekend Trip to Groningen

2600 km, 24 hours of driving through half europe... one customs control on the Autobahn, one broken bike, one broken camera, shitty weather but a great weekend out in Groningen!

By now people must have noticed that I'm really into road tripping.
Two weeks ago, I went to Groningen with a friend to meet up with some friends which had been
on Exchange with us in Macau, China!

When people think about The Netherlands most likely cities like Amsterdam or Maastricht will
come to their mind.

Groningen situated in the north-western corner of country, just 20km off the North Sea, is really worth a visit though.
So what does make Groningen special? 185000 people live in Groningen of which well over 50000 are students making Groningen THE student city of The Netherlands. Thus you can imagine Groningen offers a vibrant nightlife. Personally I can recommend the VERA club which is situated in the heart of the city. Apart from that the historic city center is always worth a visit, offering beautiful sites like the Martini tower which is the landmark of Groningen as well.

So that's been the Groningen 2009 road-trip review.
But stay tuned, soon to come:

How (not) to spend too much money on a weekend-trip to Paris &
and another exclusive reviw on a 3 day Berlin trip.

Cheers Patrik

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